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Together we advance nursing expertise in hospice and palliative care through education, advocacy, leadership, and research.
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HPCC seeks individuals passionate about developing a culture and processes prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The committee will be responsible for identifying and preventing barriers ...
01-01-2025 | Larger Project (up to 100 hours total)
Join the HPNF Awards Selection Committee and help give away more than 50 scholarships and grants each year! HPNF is seeking one new committee member to serve from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026. ...
01-01-2025 | Small Project (up to 40 hours total)
Please sign in using your HPCC Login to complete the application process. If any issues logging in, please contact info@hpna.org. 2025 Item Writing Committee Workshop Apply to become an item ...
Please sign in using your HPCC Login to complete the application process. If you have any issues logging in, please contact info@hpna.org. HPCC is compiling a representative panel to participate ...
12-01-2024 | Full Day (8 hours)
400 Lydia Street, Suite 103 Carnegie, PA 15106
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